Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Johnny Helms Memorial 2014 2up 25Mttt Grand Prix Des Gentleman - Saturday 4th Oct 2014

The Johnny Helms Memorial 2up Grand Prix des Gentleman, Warrington Road club would like to invite you to enter a team from your club(s) to participate in this year’s event which is to be held on :
Saturday 4th October 2013 @ 14.00 on J2/9, HQ : Allostock Village Hall
*****this event is in the handbook as the Warrington RC 2up 25mTTT*****

The prize list this year will be as follows and the prizes will be taken home by the winning teams.

1st - £500.00 9th - £250.00 16th - £100.00
2nd - £450.00 10th -£225.00 17th - £80.00
3rd - £400.00 11th - £200.00 18th - £60.00
4th - £375.00 12th - £180.00 19th - £40.00
5th - £350.00 13th - £160.00 20th - £20.00
6th - £325.00 14th – £140.00
7th - £300.00 15th – £120.00 The prizes will be awarded to the teams based
8th - £275.00 Lantern Rouge - £50.00 on the Standard Time of the older rider.
Requirements: Spot prizes of a ZIPVIT sports nutrition packs.

The winning team will get £500.00 in prize money but will also get to donate another sizable amount to the charity of their choice, they will be presented with the Johnny Helms Memorial Trophy for 1 year + a bottle of champagne each.

1 rider must be over 40 years old and 1 rider must be under 40 years old, the younger rider must pace the older rider until the last mile, it would be preferable but not essential if both riders ride in matching club kits and are in the same club, fill out a standard TT entry form for both riders and send to the address below (entry fee of £16.00 per team) payable to Warrington Road Club

This event is sponsored by ZIPVITsport.com who have provided the generous sponsorship to fund the event.

Johnny Helms Memorial TT - 25m - 2up Grand prix des Gentleman
Darrell Webster
7 Cross Lane South

Please return entries asap – no later than 23rd September

Darrell Webster
Warrington RC (Event Organiser)

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