Tuesday, 11 April 2017

1st April 2017 Withington Whs J2/9

20th Ian Haddock 58:02
46th Steve Hankey 1:00:27
73rd Dave Fox 1:02:39

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Trophy Winners 2016

Trophy Winners 2016

The Harry C. Barker Memorial Trophy – the rider returning the fastest time in the H.C.Barker memorial 50
Charles Taylor – Team Bottrill (1:45:55)
The Mad Hatters Trophy – the Under-50’s winner of the Club’s Road Race
Ryan Pike – High on Bikes
The Derek Devonport Memorial Plaque – the 50-&-Over winner of the Club’s Road Race
Stephen Wilkinson – Team Wheelguru
The P.Robertson Trophy – the fastest 10 mile TT by a club rider
Steve Hilton (19:39)
The Willochrome Trophy – the fastest 25 mile TT by a club rider
Steve Hilton (50:47)
The Ron Spencer Memorial Trophy – the fastest club rider in the Memorial 25 mile Time Trial
Steve Hilton (56:02)
The Veterans Championship Trophy – the veteran club rider with the best two standard times from 10, 25 & 50 miles on J-D-L courses only
David Wright (Plus 1:12:53)
The Fullelove Trophy – the club rider with the most improved performances throughout the season
Ian Haddock
The Ron Spencer Trophy – the fastest 100 mile TT by a club rider
Ian Haddock (4:15:27)
The Dingsdale Perpetual Trophy – the rider returning the best
average speed in 10, 25, 50 and 100 mile time trials on J, D, L
courses only
Ian Haddock (25.81mph)
The Charlie Johnson Memorial Trophy – the fastest 50 mile TT by a club rider
Paul McGowan (1:55:04)
The Elin Trophy – the club rider covering the greatest distance in a 12 hour TT
Paul McGowan (249.11miles)
The Warrington Road Club Trophy – the club rider covering the greatest distance in a 24 hour TT
Paul McGowan (477.17miles)
The Sherlock Trophy – the highest placed club rider in the BBAR competition
Paul McGowan (23.28mph)

Warrington Road Club Annual Dinner 2017